Written by Portico Lessons from a Beginner, Novice, and Long-time Surfer The team at Portico has collectively been to hundreds of countries. As savvy world travelers, we always love to experience the authentic side of each place we visit. Which is why many of our...
A space dedicated to the mind, body, and soul. And of course, wellness, healing, and transformational travel.
Ways to Manage and Support Depression
What do you think depression looks like? Because of pharmaceutical commercials, we've now been taught that someone walking around with a smile may actually be struggling on the inside. But do you really understand what that looks like? Feels like? And how to support...
Three Ways to Add Wellness to Your Travels
Do you consider yourself a wellness traveler? It's okay if you don't. Maybe you're not 100% sure about this whole wellness travel thing. You love your time at the pool with sun and cocktails. And nobody is going to take that pleasure away from you! Nor should they....
The Uplifting Impact of Spa Treatments
Written by Claudia Wyatt It is true you don’t know what you have until its gone. One thing I believe is that spa treatments are powerful. Powerful for the mind and the body. In a world where touch has become absent, the need for human touch has never been more...
Are Family Secrets Part of Your Traditions?
Does your family keep secrets from the outside world? The phrase "what happens in the family stays in the family" was popular way before Vegas took the slogan. Maybe it was coded by calling it "family business". Secrets are a dangerous venom that we need to be careful...
Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable
How comfortable are you with talking racism, discrimination, and oppression? Does it feel "political" or awkward? Or do you run towards the conversation with excitement and open arms? Maybe somewhere in between. In all honesty, it was very uncomfortable for me. I...
What It Really Means to Be a Consultant
My days as a consultant are different than I expected. Let's be real - I had no idea what to expect when I went out on my own. People tell you the scary stuff. Honestly, I said some of these to myself. And I undoubtedly said it to other entrepreneurs. (Sorry...
Five Ways to Travel Better with CBD Beauty
Written by Nandini Natasha Austin, Images by BFA.com While traveling contributes to our well-being, it can be overwhelming, and stress can mount quickly. There are so many choices to make, from deciding what to pack to getting to the airport on time. Keeping up with...
How to Be Inclusive
The term "inclusive" was not part of my vocabulary until I met my husband. That's my privilege; another word I was unfamiliar with. When you fall in love with a Black man and become a stepmom to a Black child, the choice to keep your head in the sand is not an option....
Confused Latina in the Spotlight: Important Lessons
When other Latinx people see me, there is a warm connection... from them. Sadly, I'm a confused Latina who gets uncomfortable around people who look like me. Let me explain. It's because I was raised with the facts. Or so I thought. My sisters and I are eight...