The Uplifting Impact of Spa Treatments

February 5, 2021

Written by Claudia Wyatt

It is true you don’t know what you have until its gone. One thing I believe is that spa treatments are powerful. Powerful for the mind and the body. In a world where touch has become absent, the need for human touch has never been more important for our health.

Spa treatments are very therapeutic, not just in the way you would expect. A cleansing facial for acne, a deep tissue massage for overworked muscles, a pedicure for cracked heals. It’s the feeling you get from those treatments. The feeling that renews you when you leave.

Spa Feelings

Spa Treatments
Overwater Spa Treatments at Half Moon

After you get home from the spa, are you in a good mood? Perhaps cheerful or optimistic? There is a link between the spa professional and you that contributes to this.  Being an esthetician for 20 years has taught me that people need me. Your walls come down during a session. You are in a safe place to feel better. Not just about yourself, but about life overall. Experiencing an exceptional treatment will change your outlook. You can speak freely without judgment. Let down your guard and express your imperfections.

In this space, you communicate what is bothering you. Not only with your concerns that brought you in, but what is truly going on deep within. You just need someone to listen to let go of all that is consuming your head. Be it everyday tasks, work related issues, family, worry, doubt, or just a bad day. You become totally present to the experience. You let it go in that moment. I see peace wash over you. Bonus – you look outstanding!

Missing Hugs?

That fact that you have not been getting a daily dose of hugs has certainly affected your wellbeing. When you have a spa professional work on your hands, feet, face, back, that connection returns. It fills your cup. You don’t realize how much you missed it until you haven’t had it. When I’m working on the face, I work out a lot of tension in the jaw and temples. You can see that moment when you have accepted the quiet. A sense of peace washes over you. When you leave, you may be focused on how you look. I always ask, “how do you feel?” Of course, you feel fantastic!

People are more critical of themselves than ever before. While the spa and salon professionals of the world restore your beauty and hope, take a look at how you feel.  When you are feeling down, remember self-care begins with you. Go experience a treatment. You will be happy you did!