"Join our networking event!" Those are the four words I dread the most. Even more than, "We don't have chocolate." Am I the only one? In my experience as a business owner, there has been an undoing of corporate expectations. We spend our careers following unwritten...
A space dedicated to the mind, body, and soul. And of course, wellness, healing, and transformational travel.
How to Stop the Mental Money Math
Is mental money math causing you anxiety? This is my term for the overanalyzing of finances. Thinking about what bill needs to be paid next, what deposit will cover each withdrawal. But then it goes even further... Should I buy the unsalted natural peanut butter for...
How Image is About Control and Ways to Let Go
What image are you projecting? I don't know about you, but I get exhausted being "on" even when things are going smoothly behind the scenes. After my first depression, I started to call it "putting on the show." I don't want to put on the show anymore. My life feels...
Four Easy Steps to Lower Your Burnout
I'm exhausted, confused, feeling like a blank slate. These are my first signs of burnout. I stare at my computer not knowing what to do and not wanting to do a damn thing. Then guess what happens? I start to beat myself up. "Nobody likes you." "You're a hot mess."...
How to Say NO to Work Trauma and Thrive
Trauma can show up in ways you never expect. Did you ever think it would be a player in business? In a world where we're taught to keep professional life and personal life separate, trauma making a cameo in your work day can be especially jarring. As a heart-centered...
Simple Ways to Rest and Be Your Best
How are you resting every day? That's not a typo. I'm recommending some rest every single day. No, this doesn't require retirement or a big vacation (though we know wellness travel can help). This is about filling your cup. Consider creating a rest routine. The world...
Three Things Human Design Has Given Me
Human Design? What in the world is Human Design? I remember when my friend, Lisa Caruso of JoyWelle, first mentioned this to me. She said it was very complex and interesting. Hmmm… Intriguing, but nothing I needed. Then the Universe stepped in (as she often does). I...
How to Find Your Next Chapter of Joy
What's your next chapter? That always sounded so big to me. I've moved across the country, gotten married, started a business. These are big chapters. In reality, we can turn the page to something new inside of us that shifts our future. And this can happen through...
Fear: What It Means and How to Embrace It
What are you afraid of? Being rejected… Feeling stupid... Moving to a space of insecurity... Being negatively judged... Failing... Or is it that you're not valuable at all? Fear is a beast, isn't it? The monster creeps into your brain making a mess out of the well...
Challenge Yourself with Revealing to Heal
"You can't heal what you never reveal." These words of wisdom from uber successful business mogul, Jay-Z, have struck me in a way that continues to resonate. So much so that it lives as a post on my social media feed. And each time I read it, I can feel it and see it...