Manifesting came to life for me in 2005, though I didn’t realize I was doing it. Every time I heard a woman tell her story about moving to a new destination without knowing anyone, I felt inspired. I listened to these stories for about two years, getting more and more excited with each tale. It sparked a dream in me that I didn’t know existed. At the time I was in a very happy relationship with someone who never wanted to move. While these dreams were getting energized, it came with a hint of sadness and envy. The Universe felt my excitement! I was given the chance to move to Boston. This was a chance to pay attention to the signs and accept the gift.
Shortly after my move, my wise aunt gave me the book Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting: The Astonishing Power of Feelings by Lynn Grabhorn. It took me another year or two to open it because sometimes you’re not ready to learn. Once I did, I was thrilled to read about how my thoughts and feelings create my reality. The opportunity to live my life with intention, hope, and excitement – this was what I wanted. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve always been a happy and positive person. There’s so much more to manifesting than simply existing with a smile and silver lining.
Conferences with Care
Some of the most powerful moments of manifestation have involved writing out my goals, purpose, and visions. I’ve included two examples, written a year apart. At the WINiT conference in April 2018, we were given the option to write a letter to ourselves that would be mailed to us in 90 days. When it arrived I was too scared to open it. I was worried I would already be disappointing myself. When I finally mustered up the courage a feel year after the conference, it reinforced how I had been manifesting my dreams. Wellness travel had come into my life showing me the path to helping others with joy, empathy, and inclusivity.
Next came the Healing Summit in May 2019. In one of the breakout sessions we each had to articulate our personal vision. After writing this out, I kept it in my purse as a reminder of what I wanted my life to look like. In February 2020, I revisited this only to see I had manifested this into reality by taking the leaping of trust and starting Inspired Journey Consulting.
The Next Step
I now start my days reading my goals, affirmations, and visions. Every day I am manifesting my future in a joyous, grateful, abundant way. The power is truly within you if you choose to believe and are brave enough to take action. Start today, start small, but whatever you do join the party and start making your dreams come true.