
Is transformational travel part of your vocabulary? Don’t worry. It will be soon. I’ve been a student in the Transformational Travel Designer Program. The simple process of learning about how to travel with HEART has changed me. I thought I already did this, I thought I promoted it, and I’ve realized I have so much further to go.

Similar to my approach to wellness travel, these experiences have been a bit backwards. I took care of my mind, body, and soul at home. Then learned I could do that at the proper hotel, on a retreat, or through engaged travel. The principles of transformational travel have been part of my every day existence. Consider the idea of HEART (Humble, Engaged, Awake, Resilient, Thankful). These resonate with my core being and ways I would describe who I am. When I travel, I’ve been a different Jackie. Since I can’t take time during my travels to reflect right now, I’m doing this practice at home.

Recipe for Growth

My family didn’t have a lot of money growing up. We had enough and I’m grateful for that. My dad loved to travel and wanted us to have that in our lives. He spent my whole life dreaming of going on an Alaskan cruise. But sacrifices must be made when you’re raising three kids in New York. He pivoted as needed and planned annual road trips. Most of the time we were camping in a trailer or motorhome. It was rare when a hotel was involved. Those hotel moments were my favorite. They outlined my destiny.

Jackie Roby, travel
Esperanza, an Auberge Resort

When hotels became my career, it made complete sense. Throughout the years those hotels became cooler, more luxurious, and always fabulous. Eventually, I was vetting luxury hotels to see if they fit the standards for a large travel company’s elite program. I’ve been trained to experience all aspects of this service as a priority. Historically, taking more than a few days off was rare. Perhaps “Queen of the Long Weekend” is appropriate. When would I have time to leave my resort if I want to unwind?

Combine these ingredients now. History of minimal funds + love affair with hotels + lack of time off. My sum was luxury travel centered around being pampered. When wellness and healing travel came into my world, I wanted to soak up every option in those modalities. For years I’ve been thinking, “One day I’ll have time to experience those amazing adventures.” Well, I have time now and the gates are closed (temporarily). The irony has not escaped me.

Ideas for Future Travel

There are two companies I have my eye on that I’d like a travel advisor to help me with; The Custom Path and Pravassa. The Custom Path focuses on personal growth goals and how to achieve that through a deeper level of travel. This curated approach appeals to me. Looking at some of their past trips, travel dream about 10 days in Vietnam with experiences like an evening food tour from the back of a scooter and visits to a tea and coffee plantation in the mountains.

Pravassa provides total immersion into destinations and cultures. They offer small group trips and customized adventures for individuals. With Pravassa, I’d want to try the former. That alone would be stretching my comfort zone. Outside of business, I have not traveled with people I don’t know or have some Kevin Bacon degree of connection to. Perhaps a trip to Cambodia or Indonesia is in store? Their five tenet wellness travel philosophy is breathe, movement, mindfulness, nourishment, experience. Yes please.

After that, who knows? There’s a beautiful world waiting to be seen and countless ways to make a difference. Okay Universe. Ready to travel deeper now. Can we go, yet?