Authentic Spirit of TFest with Private Luxury Events

January 6, 2023
T-fest, podcast episode 95

What is the most valuable gift that doesn't cost a thing? Christy Kuplic, Managing Director of Private Luxury Events, knows that is the gift of time. When we have the chance to own our schedule with choice, it's freeing. That is one key element that defines the luxury travel show, TFest. Learn about the journey of the senses, the inner wisdom, social connection, and creation within the event. Whether or not you're in travel, this knowledge is eye opening and can introduce you to new ways of doing business and living your life.


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Through Inspired Eyes: Travel Can Heal

A Dose of Inspiration

Are you looking for ways to be a better you every day? Do you want to learn how travel can support you on this journey? How about a dose of inspiration? Through Inspired Eyes takes travelers behind the scenes of the travel industry to explore ways to decrease stress, increase joy, and live an inclusive life. Learn about healing travel, independent and boutique hotels, wellness tour operators, skilled travel advisors, and much more. Hosted by trauma survivor and wellness travel sales strategist, Jackie Roby.